Giving to the Church
How can you give?
Your gifts enable us to serve Didcot and the surrounding area by caring for, developing and supporting people. As a community The King’s Church is supported by the generous giving of its members.
There are three easy ways to give to The King’s Church:
Online Banking or Standing Order
Make a one-off payment or set up a regular payment using our bank account details
Sort code: 20-97-48 Account number: 50487333 Account Name: OCC Didcot
Cash or Cheque
The Tithes and Offerings Box is on the Information Desk at church on a Sunday morning. Please make cheques payable to “OCC Didcot”.
Credit/Debit Card
Give money by card via Sum-Up to our General Fund using this link or this QR code
Or you can click on these links to give directly to our Building Fund or to support the work of CAP.
Gift Aid
The King's Church Didcot is part of the Oxfordshire Community Churches (hence our bank account name is OCC Didcot), a registered charity (No. 1056921). As a charity we are eligible to reclaim any UK tax that you have paid on your gift. This has the effect of increasing the size of your gift without costing you any more. If you are a UK tax payer, please complete a gift aid declaration (only needs to be done once) and return it to Rachel Sheard.
A gift aid declaration can be made on MyChurchsuite >My Giving >Declaration, or by returning a paper version (download from here). Fill in the Giving card or Giving envelope on a Sunday morning and put in the Tithes and Offerings box or pass to Rachel Sheard.
Oxfordshire Community Churches is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales, No. 3223210
We are also part of an international family of churches called Salt & Light Ministries, a member of the Evangelical Alliance and part of Churches Together in Didcot and District
Thank you for your interest in giving to The King's Church Didcot. We wouldn’t exist without the generous financial support we receive from others. We are very grateful to everyone who gives money on a regular basis to enable us to do all that we feel God has called us to do in Didcot and the surrounding areas. If you have any questions about giving or church finances please talk to Rachel Sheard (our treasurer), Nick White (pastor), or Jansen Jacob (trustee).
Why should we give?
The motivation behind your gift is more important than your gift. The reason you give is more important than what or how much you give. We give to the church because we want to honour God.
““If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing””
When should we give?
We are encouraged to give the first fruits, not the leftovers of our income. This is not a law we are required to follow. It is a tangible expression of our love for God.
““Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crop.””
However the Lord wants us to give as we desire to give, not under pressure.
““Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.””
Where should we give?
The local church is the backbone of God’s work here on earth. Paul encourages us in Galatians 6:6, 1 Corinthians 9:7-11, 1 Timothy 5:17-18, and many other scriptures, that you are to give where you are fed God's word. In the Old Testament, God commanded his people to give a tithe - normally one tenth of income - to the Lord. We find a tithe is also a useful guide to us to give to our local church, the body of Christ where we get fed spiritually.
““Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.””