2 Feb 10.30am King’s @The Junction* with Growzone
Bring and Share Lunch after the service**
7.45pm Prayer and Worship Evening @The Junction*
9 Feb 10.30am King’s @The Junction* with Growzone and Youth
7.45pm Prayer and Worship Evening @The Junction*
16 Feb 10.30am King’s @The Junction* with Growzone and Youth
7.45pm Prayer and Worship Evening @The Junction*
23 Feb 10.30am King’s @The Junction* with Growzone and Youth
7.45pm Prayer and Worship Evening @The Junction*
*The Junction is 42 Lydall’s Road - parking is in The Junction car-park or next door in the SOHA staff and visitor’s car-parks (please avoid parking in other organisations spaces clearly marked). If you would like more information about these Sundays please contact admin@thekingschurchdidcot.org.
**Please plan to come and bring some food to share. If homemade please bring a full ingredients list for those with allergies etc.