Love Didcot Missional Community

Vision and values:

Love Didcot is focused on the town of Didcot and it’s immediate surrounding villages, and how we as a church can share God’s love. How we can love the community we are in with projects that focus on community life, vulnerable people and social and healthy activity.

Our strapline is Small things with Great Love!

  • LoveDidcot MC has run a number of projects over the years that have built community within the town including the Live Nativity, Community choir and our men’s and women’s social groups Refresh (Women’s social group) and ShedSpace (Men’s social group) open to all at King’s Church and the wider Didcot community.

  • In LoveDidcot MC we look to share life with each other in a number of different ways; sharing food, worshipping God, reading the bible together, enjoying larger get together's for all the family to enjoy relationships and inviting others to share in this community.

  • LoveDidcot also runs a number of small Huddle groups which provide a chance for discipleship and pastoral support.

For more information please contact Andrew Sheard, Rachel Sheard or Annetta Slade.

The bible has a lot say on God’s heart for the poor, for justice and loving your neighbour. A bible passage that underpins and inspires the projects we get involved with is from Jesus’ words talking about loving your neighbour:

Luke 10:25-37