This is our verse for the month…

Here are all the details of what is going on…

To help you with what to focus on during the month there will be a weekly email coming from Nick White*. Also look out for video updates on our social media channels.

We are kicking off with a Prayer Walk on Saturday 1st February. We're really excited to be moving to Aureus School on the 2nd March. As we start our Month of Prayer we want to pray around the area, asking for God's blessing on all the people who live there, and the churches, schools, community organisations and businesses that are based there. So we will be prayer-walking around that part of Great Western Park on Saturday 1st Feb.

Meet at 10am by the entrance to Asda - lots of parking available in the car park there:, Andrew Sheard will be leading. 

During the month we will be using our vision goals as the structure. These goals are for the church to become:

A Light Down Every Street

A House of Prayer for All Nations

and A Hub for Community

MC's will be meeting during February at 8pm as usual. They will start by all watching a short pre-recorded video (probably from Nick). The individual MC’s will then all be doing a session from the short 4 week Prayer Course by Practising The Way.


5:30 - 6:00 PM led by Lucy

Join us for a time of prayer following our fast, seeking God’s face with open hearts and minds. We will pray for a renewed hunger for God and a closer walk with Him, focusing on: I want more of You, Lord and Break My Heart for What Breaks Yours.

Come with pen and paper, and most importantly, come with expectant hearts, trusting that God will respond with fresh fire and passion.

Zoom codes are:
Meeting ID: 872 9853 5031 Password: Deep


As always there is an opportunity to pray before our morning service at 9.45am at The Junction during February (and then the same time from 2nd March at Aureus Secondary School).

There will be Prayer and Worship evenings every Sunday in February. 7.45pm @The Junction. Come along for an unhurried time in God's presence.

24 Hours of Prayer for Alpha:

We will be having a virtual 24 hours of prayer for Alpha from 12pm Friday 7th Feb to 12pm Saturday 8th Feb. Annetta (leading Alpha) has asked us to pray for the following:

 We have 6 guests joining us on Alpha each at a different phase in their faith journey.
Prayer points:

  • That they each develop a relationship with Jesus, whether it's a first commitment, re-commitment or a deepening of knowledge and faith

  • That they are filled with the Holy Spirit

  •  Also for the Team and that the team can grow and develop allowing us to run more than one course a year

To book yourself a half hour slot in the 24 hours (you can book more than one!) please click this link. But even if you don’t book on..just Pray!

Other Opportunities to Pray:

Tuesday lunchtimes 12.30-1.30pm there is ladies prayer in person at the Whites or on Zoom (please let Naomi
know if you're coming in person).

Zoom codes:

Meeting ID: 872 9853 5031 Password: Deep

Wednesday lunchtimes 1pm there is lunchtime prayer via Zoom hosted by Tim Stanley for half an hour:

ID code: 2965279007 Passcode (if prompted): Prayer

Prayer Triplets 

Prayer Triplets (or twos or fours...) are a great way to pray with and for each other - with such a small group it’s easy to share deep things, and grow strong friendships. If you’re not already in a Prayer ‘Triplet’ why don’t you ask some others if you can pray with them weekly during this month.  

If you feel God saying anything to you for the church during the month that you would like to share then please email

*We communicate about what is going on at church via our weekly newsletter and a weekly email. Please contact Josie Mottershead if you are not receiving either the weekly emails via Churchsuite or the weekly newsletter via Mailchimp, and would like to be connected to what is going on.